Subject: *bangs head against wall*
Posted on: 2016-10-30 19:01:00 UTC

That's what I get for staying up writing past my bedtime :-/.

Yes, that should be ey. Not sure whether or not I can blame that on autocorrect: my phone isn't used to Spivak pronouns, but also it could be me screwing up and thinking of Kebrdå as currently biologically male rather than as a member of a species in which physical sex is fluid and gender is not usually culturally significant. In the process of developing em, ey's been through five different genders and seven different home continua :-/. I think I've finally made up my mind, though.

Eir continuum is original -- actually, it's a running joke I have with a friend. Eir species has been described as resembling "an armchair with feathers." Kebrdå's feathers are blue and green.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked the story! Hope this confuses/intrigues you further.


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