Subject: Return of the revenge of the Multiverse Monitor
Posted on: 2018-07-10 21:58:00 UTC

Yes, friends, rivals, potential customers, we are back! Thanks to the work of our tireless reporters, The Multiverse Monitor is releasing a special midweek abbreviated edition, to bring you the latest news we have obtained from agents. Made with love, care, and excessive quantities of caffeine in as little time as we could possibly spend on it, this special issue is guaranteed to excite.

Pick it up at your local newsstand, or here.


So yeah, with all the MM reporters flying around the Mailbox Game, I figured I'd find a way to abuse the quotes that ensued, in true MM style. Echoing real-world tabloid tradition, this was written over the course of 24 hours and edited relatively minimally. Yes, we checked for SPaG, but we weren't the most comprehensive.

Thanks to Calliope and Iximaz for giving me permission to horrifically defame their agents, to Geema for giving me horrible ideas, to Nesh for helping to ensure my SPaG was up to scratch and allowing me to defame her agents as well, and to all of the above, Tomash, and probably others for being the MM reporters without which this would not exist.

I look forward to hearing what people think.

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