Subject: This also happened. (NSFW?)
Posted on: 2018-03-12 05:55:00 UTC


Derik: Seriously? Bloody authors. And Thoth, you are not helping!

Nume: Better you than me, new guy. 'Bout frelling time I got a break. *walks off smugly lighting a joint*

Jenni: Good grief, Derik, get a haircut already. You look like Conan the Barbarian!

Neshomeh: I drew this in record time, okay? I'm not freaking Leonardo da Vinci! Gawd. *sulk*

Gall: Uh, is it just me, or is it really dry in here? Dang nosebleed... >.>

[You're welcome/I'm sorry/Don't judge me]. Select as appropriate. {= )


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