Posted on: 2019-03-06 14:37:00 UTC

Okay, so after I opted in, I talked to Willis about my opt-in and learned that he found it uncomfortable for me to be shipped with anyone but him. At first I objected, but then I was like, "y'know, this is his first Shipfest, I can understand why he feels that way." And I decided I could honor that. So *talking off to the side* hey Moon, you might as well just write us down as a single entry in the list because we're only shippable with each other, *talking at the camera again* and I'll just be content to await the cute Twistey X Willis fics and ship other people. :D

And no, you can't ship me with Willis and someone else simultaneously. Past experience tells me that he finds the idea of a third person being introduced into the relationship to be creepy.

Finally, try to keep it light and wholesome. For example, if you're doing a supernatural beings AU, make it more along the lines of "Twistey is a guardian angel assigned to Willis/Fem!Willis" rather than "Willis/Fem!Willis is the dangerous demon boyfriend/girlfriend". Catch my drift? This is once again to keep things from getting uncomfortable.

These restrictions may sound like no fun at all, and like I'm just coddling my boyfriend, but the bright side to them is that you don't have to spend time and energy thinking about who to pair me with, and a premise could come easily. If this is your first Shipfest, why not pick this pairing so that you have an easy way to get started?

Happy shipping.


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