Subject: Wow, already?
Posted on: 2019-03-05 04:25:00 UTC

Eek. Don't I have some unfinished Tam Lin thing from one or two years ago...? Well, we'll see how this goes.

I'm in, as I generally am. Please don't ship me with people who are underage, no matter the content or rating (it's okay if we're in the same fic, just...completely separate pairings, please). Other than that, I can't think of any limits that would actually be likely to come up, so...I guess if they somehow do, I'll express my surprise that they showed up at all and ask that it not happen again.

As to details, make up anything you like or look at past Shipfest threads. Probably the main things to bear in mind (if you want any accuracy at all, that is) are that I'm not very tall, and wear glasses but can get around without them if I have to (mentioned mainly because I remember past shipping of everyone with glasses, actually, so why not?).

And I think that's it. The only pairings I can think of right now that haven't already been suggested are for agents, and it's the wrong time of year for *that*.


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