Subject: Yessss baybeeee
Posted on: 2019-03-05 00:28:00 UTC

I'm opted all the way in, my friend.

As for appearances, I resemble nothing less than the Platonic peak of the male form, that's right:


Or just write me as an anime catgirl or something horrible like that. Whatever is the most embarrassing!

My shipping limits are make it absolutely terrible. The worse it is, the better. I have no dignity. Dunk me into hell. Call me dirty, dirty things.

I'm gonna ship Thoth right here with Pong, the first popular video game. I have reasons to believe that Thoth's feelings of intense desire towards a videogame increase depending on how old that game is and there's no way he could resist the charms of Pong.

Of course I must ship the local PPC nerdsquad together, Thoth and Tomash and Delta and Maslab, chatting about their codes and their numbers and their calculations, disgusting.

And I've got to ship Geema with bleeprin because... the guy must go through so much of it considering the stuff he keeps subjecting himself to.

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