Subject: Jenni tilted her head, perplexed.
Posted on: 2019-01-29 15:14:00 UTC

"That... is so not the point."

She half-stood in her seat and flagged down the bartender. "Hey, Ren? Can we get two Uncle Elronds here? Thanks!"

"The point," she added to Erica, smiling, "is a nice gesture toward mutual conviviality. And this one is officially on me."

(( There is a surprising dearth of fictional beverages that aren't soda or beer and don't have stupid names. Therefore, I made up a sort of cross-continuum cocktail you could only get in the PPC. The Uncle Elrond is jasmine tea with a drop of miruvor [a bit expensive!], and will arrive in two to three minutes due to steeping time. ))

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