Subject: Friday Forum
Posted on: 2019-01-18 14:41:00 UTC

Once more unto the forum, my friends...

Fandom News

US Trailer | International Trailer

Trailer time! We got our first trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home this week, and it looks good! I'm continually baffled that Disney, of all people, have managed to mostly-consistently turn out good comic book movies, but... there you are.

Old News

On January 16th in 27 BC, Octavian was granted the title Augustus by the Senate of Rome, inaugrating the Roman Empire. Also on January 16th, this time in 1707, the Parliament of Scotland passed the Union with England act, uniting England and Scotland under the Scottish-descended Queen Anne, as the United Kingdom of Great Britain.


New News

Brexit deal rejected by huge margin

On January 15th this year, the Parliament of the United Kingdom (formed from the English and Scottish parliaments back in 1707) handed the government its biggest defeat in history. By voting down Theresa May's Brexit deal, parliament baaaaasically set the stage for a catastrophic shambles two months down the line. There's no majority in parliament for a) staying in the EU, b) leaving under this deal (which the EU says is the best they'll offer), or c) leaving with no deal, but no-one is willing to d) just stay in the EU.

In an ironic turn of phrasing, on January 16th the government defeated a vote of no confidence, indicating that Parliament does have confidence in Theresa May's leadership. Apparently.

PPC News

Reports of a bleeprin shortage have been greatly exaggerated. By which we mean there is categorically no bleeprin shortage; rumours that FicPsych has been restricting supplies come only from a few agents who were far exceeding safe limits. There is no shortage. Everything is fine.

Please take your placards and go back to your RCs.

Not News

The Holy Order of the Bumblebee - Doorways (DeviantArt)

Well, it didn't raise any objections last time... further adventures of the Party of Four Clerics, this time trying to get past a guard. Their signifiers are what they'd have to roll a check against; a CON check for out-waiting someone amuses me quite a bit.

Obviously no Cleric would ever rely on STR to get in. And none of the Order are terribly dextrous.


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