Subject: On the other hand...
Posted on: 2008-09-13 10:20:00 UTC

There are a number of characters I can completely agree are Suvian - but I don't let that bother me. (Doublethink, much?)

Honor Harrington, for instance. I sometimes say that she overcomes Sueness by excessive application of the Rule of Awesome, but that's not really the case. After all, one of the contributors to Suvianity is being awesome.

And to top that off, I couldn't even begin to tell you why I like Sue!Honor but not, for instance, the protagonist of the Truth series by Dawn Cook - a series I put down sometime in the third book specifically because I didn't like how Suvian she was becoming.

So, to conclude, while you're probably right about the list being a bad idea and feelings getting hurt, it's by no means inevitable.

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