Subject: Mmm... all good points. To clarify...
Posted on: 2008-09-02 04:52:00 UTC

I was talking about both average-rated romance femslash and pure smut stories, as I'm really no judge of slashfic quality.

I suppose it's worth stating here that, after reading those forty different interviews, many of them from you lovely PPCrs (*hugs*), it's easy to conclude that I am (once again) something of the odd one out. I just can't bring myself to read slash that's beyond what can be talked off as friednship; I don't know why. I'm just traditional, I guess, and I always - in any subject - tend to stick with what I know. My own sexuality has a huge impact on what I read and write, and "fun pairings" have never appealed to me.

Maybe that's the problem? My lack of imagination? Or simple squickiness. I've got nothing against it, of course, but I just... I still don't get it. Intellectually, I agree with every point you guys have made

... I could start a long rant now on What's Wrong With Friendship?, but that's probably not a good idea. I tend to get dramatic. And I'm rambling far enough off-topic anyway.

But if nothing else, at least this makes the theoretical side of things clearer, and that's mainly what I need for my essay. I do feel a bit blind, though.

(And Lycaenion, to be honest, I haven't read Wicked yet, either; I'm talking mainly about the musical adaptation and all the fanfic for that.)

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