Subject: Actually, that's just the thing...
Posted on: 2008-09-02 10:18:00 UTC

I love romance. I go all aww-ish and gooey over them. It might be my favourite genre. But every time I try to read slash, be it m/m or f/f, I just can't. It appears to be my personal squick, and I have no idea why.

I suppose it might be that the slash pairs break up my ideas of "correct" pairings - all of which, now that I think about it, are the deliberate canonical pairings. I've never found myself "seeing the potential" for pairings other than the established, except in cases where the characters never have an established partner. *shrugs* Perhaps, in that regard, I simply have no imagination.

Honestly, though, I don't think that's it. It sounds so terribly biased saying it, and I feel dreaful, but the mental image of two men or two women kissing - even if they're not characters I know - is possibly the most unromantic thing I can imagine. And it's horrible of me, but it's true.

If I may go on a slight tangent, it annoys me to no end that if a bisexual or gay person says they can't stand het relationships, they're practically martyred as "forward thinking" and "confidant", but if I say the same thing in reverse, I'm labled a homophobe. I'm not. I'm really not; I have nothing against homosexuality; I have gay friends, and I'm glad that people can be happy. It's just not for me. In Real Life or fanfic.

Perhaps the best illustration is thus: I'm perfectly fine with knowing the biological theory of how I came to exist, but that doesn't mean I'm happy to watch my parents have sex. I just don't need to see that.

... and I'm rambling again, aren't I? I do appreciate your attempt to make me feel better.

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