Subject: I'd say absolutely.
Posted on: 2019-08-22 09:23:00 UTC

And the reason for that is that the words for 'cat' in various languages are:

Miog (Gnomish)
Meoi (Qenya)
Miue (Middle Quenya)

Gnomish also gives us Hû for 'dog' (Hû! Hû!), and Muin/Mûs for 'cow'. Qenya has nark, a word meaning 'spiteful remark', but originally 'a dog snapping'.

Tolkien's early languages were stuffed with onomatopoeia, and are utterly charming because of it. And also because they have weirdly specific words for things, like how there's a word 'tolipinke' for 'little doll' (as opposed to a manequin 'tolipin', or a generic doll 'toli').


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