Subject: Re: mission
Posted on: 2019-08-05 03:15:00 UTC

Oh, you've made an interesting pair of agents here. I like the presentation of an Orc who isn't animalistic and violent, and in fact, likes reading and learning. Considering Tolkien himself was uncomfortable with the "always chaotic evil" presentation of them in his own writing, I think this is a nice way to give the species overall a bit of an update. I also like the dynamic between your agents, with Taq inherently looking for a "lord" of sorts to follow, and Peregrin very clearly doing everything in his power to treat Taq as an equal. It's a different agent interaction than we tend to see, and it makes for fun planning moments throughout the mission, with both agents bringing something to the table. A very unique pair to read about, indeed!

And now welcome to your Very First doctorlit-lists-your-typos moment! Enjoy!

"Peregrin added them his list."
" . . . to his list."

"This lead to Fawke’s human form being controlled by puppet strings held by the mini-Aragog."
Actually, I'm not sure this one's wrong. While reading, I interpreted the mini doing the puppetry to be the already mentioned Fawks, but maybe Fawke was a new mini here? If you did mean to use Fawkes's real name here, though, it would be "Fawkes's" since it needs both the "s" from the name and the one to show possession.

"When he’d finished announcing Hermoine’s real heritage and who Fawkes was, said phoenix flew in and then transformed back to human."

"Then Peregrin went over to the Sue and, magining to aim correctly this time, revived her."

"Peregrin, however, had quite forgotten what he had been doing what the console went off, and didn’t have any good ideas at the moment, so he reverted to his usual pastime—wandering the halls until something came up."

—doctorlit, off to collect scorpions now

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