Subject: Maybe "violence" is the best word we've got for it.
Posted on: 2019-07-05 00:09:00 UTC

To be honest, I feel uncomfortable seeing it used this way myself, because it seems to equate words to deeds, which seems like the sort of logic that would see someone thrown in jail just for talking about doing something, even if they never intended to actually do it. It makes me anxious about expressing a doubt like this out loud, because I don't want to hurt my friends or make them think I don't want them to be able to live their best lives in their own way, free from fear.

However, I have learned from my friends that context matters. Not all questions are innocent, and I don't know how else to describe the kind of questioning by a privileged majority that feeds a zeitgeist of lazy tolerance if not active support for systemic injustice of the sort that turns a blind eye when less privileged groups are economically, psychologically, and physically harmed just because they have the temerity to exist. What else can you call that without blunting the alarm it should cause?

~Neshomeh, processing out loud in case it helps anyone else.

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