Subject: Nobody's calling you transphobic
Posted on: 2019-06-30 04:39:00 UTC

I'm sure you aren't. You aren't transphobic for playing Cyberpunk 2077, either. You don't need to demonstrate how progressive you personally are--it's fine. We aren't really gonna judge you on that, either way. That simply isn't relevant.

I'll just say this:

Popular entertainment has always had identity politics. Everything is inherently political because everything inherently deals with what is good versus what is bad, what is normal versus what is abnormal.

The only thing that's changing is people are getting sick of being erased in media, and corporations are realising they can make money off this.
I know a whole lot more mixed race people in real life than I've ever seen in media, and we're a pretty damn privileged bunch compared to most, at least where I am.

I consider it pretty disgusting and abhorrent, myself, that there's a whole lot of people whose mere existence is considered a bold, revolutionary political act. Rather than, you know, just people existing, and their existence being acknowledged in media. Because these people exist, you know.

The fact of the matter is that anything that you think isn't political, or doesn't have 'intrusive identity politics', is just political stuff that doesn't challenge your worldview.
The claim that something 'isn't political' isn't anything more than propaganda.

I dunno man. I'm sorry if this seems harsh. You're not a bad person or anything, and I don't want you to think I'm calling you a bad person. But, uh, there you go.

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