Subject: Thoth's aging notes on these episodes.
Posted on: 2019-06-24 12:08:00 UTC

Awkward Silence returns! That's a running theme, like I said.

Regarding both the angel fight and Shinji getting beat up, they both show aspects of something Eva does that a lot of mech series don't so much: create a sense that there are actual consequences. When a building falls down, people get hurt. Our giant robots draw a stupid amount of power: of course we can't just have them run except off a cable. And so on. It makes the world feel more weighty.

The "Children" thing is a preservation of an error in the original. The old sub (and I believe the old dub) said "Child" there, which Word Of God confirms is correct.

As for Shinji Hate, I've actually not seen that so much among people who like EVA. Is that a thing? It seems understand the way Shinji works, so I doubt you'll hate him.

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