Subject: Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Posted on: 2019-05-26 22:56:00 UTC

("I think so, Brain, but where would we find that many mangoes?")

One of the recurring occasional questions is 'what makes this department different?'. A book where an agent from each department describes what it's like to work in that department would neatly answer that, while also being fun to read.

To delve into theorycrafting for a minute, I'd think it would go best if someone(s) with recent experience with a department wrote for it, to ensure that the way it was presented was up to date. I believe Scape has written for WhatThe more recently than me, for instance, so I would yield to her. (Departments with no active writers are beyond the scope of this musing.)

That would still land me with a lot of minor departments for which I'm the only writer on record, but them is, as they say, the breaks.


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