Subject: Inspired by r/TheBackrooms, here's something for DES:
Posted on: 2019-06-01 18:24:00 UTC

The Department of External Security’s holding cells were located in a secured section of the subconscious reality known as “The Backrooms”. We’ve all visited this space at some point: Walled by a maddening cream lit by fluorescent bulbs and carpeting that gave a soft ‘squelch’ when stepped on. One would likely find that it held the same off-kiltered, alt-dimensional feeling as a four in the morning KMart parking lot or a library with access to the L-Space. DES’ stake in the area was last measured to be about .0000000042% of the approximately six hundred million square miles of endless, samey rooms, and was connected to HQ via plothole at about 5 different points. The semi-fortunate souls that occasionally noclip themselves into this department make up about .000015% of PPC recruits. It was slightly easier to navigate than HQ, owing to the loss of the spatial dimension of probability.

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