Subject: Kind of to everyone.
Posted on: 2019-07-19 09:14:00 UTC

But yes, parts of it are partly to you.

You wouldn't walk into a room full of people and announce 'hey, it's time to be crazy!'. You wouldn't log onto the chat and say 'right, everyone say something insane!'. You wouldn't email your friends and say 'everyone, send me the wackiest thing you can!'.

Or rather, you might do any of those things - but only if you had a goal in mind, for instance if you're gathering information. You wouldn't just do it for the sake of it, because in those contexts, you realise that silliness can't be forced, and that people don't need you to ask if they want to be bonkers.

To my mind, the same applies here. If we've got something nutty to post, rest assured that we will do so without the need for a thread asking for it. :)


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