Subject: I don't think you understand.
Posted on: 2019-07-18 19:43:00 UTC

What concerns me is not the original mistake. You already apologized for that, and we understand.

What specifically concerns me, and I think I speak for others as well, is whether or not you think women can be blamed for men acting on their (the men's) physical desires. That is how some of your words could be interpreted. Any words or actions based on that mindset would be out of line with the PPC's Constitution, which expects all members to take responsibility for their own behavior, and the mindset itself would be regarded by most if not all of us as unwelcome, because that kind of thinking is tied to misogynistic, victim-blaming rape culture.

I use those words not to accuse you, but to make sure you understand how serious this is. I don't get the impression that you actually believe that. However, your post was vague, and that's why I asked for clarification. I would like you to state your position clearly, so there can be no misunderstanding. Not only would it alleviate our concerns (I hope), but it would demonstrate your ability to respond gracefully to criticism and to choose your words with precision, which are both important skills. Please do not continue to ignore this request.


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