Subject: I suppose it all started when Tupac died.
Posted on: 2019-07-16 18:35:00 UTC

He was kind of the bad boy of the entertainment scene back in his time, was Tupac. Hugely popular, hugely populist - and not always in a good way - but after his untimely death, his work mostly got forgotten. It's sad, really. They're powerful portrayals of life back then. But so much black history is erased.

You have to remember that popular culture wasn't like it is now, with instant downloads and stans on social media. The work was what mattered. And it should have stuck around, it certainly deserved to, but it didn't. You can blame racism for that, a lot of academics in the field certainly do, but some of it is simply the passage of time. Some of it, though, has to do with how he was eclipsed in fame by the notorious Christopher Wallace and his works.

But it's not my place to comment on black history, is it? I'm a white girl from Current Year. I don't get to lecture people on black British playwrights of the Early Modern era. No, I'll listen to 90s rap music, and mourn the shootings of Kit Marlowe and Will Shakespeare, gunned down too soon, too soon, too soon...

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