Subject: I really should be sleeping, but...
Posted on: 2019-10-18 06:34:51 UTC

Ollie: Ollie's an expressive fellow with a flair for the dramatic, so I think he'd have a peacock.

Marie: A rat. She's small, quick, and clever, but if someone's in trouble she'll do her best to help them out. Also surprisingly social.

Jesse: I was thinking they'd have a wolf, but Jesse's not much of a team player. So, I picked barn owl. They're a hunter and defensive of what they say is theirs. They are also constantly ready to throw down more than any of my other children or Delkhii.

Delkhii (he's a janitor, not an agent, but deserves a place on this list): Delkhii's deamon would probably be one of those little birds that clean an alligator's teeth, since he's totally willing to clean up your mess but usually only if it benefits him in some way. He also lives vicariously through his agent friends.

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