Subject: *shuffles through list of agents*
Posted on: 2019-10-19 03:34:46 UTC

  • Alantha: Deer, of course! Sweet and friendly, but puts up a fight when her back's to the wall.
  • Allanya: Wolf, or maybe bear. Wild-hearted, spiritual, and fiercely protective of those she cares about.
  • Aelis: Falcon. Sharp-eyed and solitary, preferring to keep her distance from the chaos of ground level.
  • Nowhere: Squirrel. Cheerful and resourceful, with a deep knowledge of the forest.
  • Ava: Coyote. Fierce and cunning, with endless tricks up her sleeve.
  • Ailienas: Goat. Stubborn, passionate, and good at getting into places she shouldn't.
  • Feloriel: Snow leopard. Seemingly dignified and aloof, but has a softer side.
  • Falloren: Raven. Intelligent, willful, and fond of collecting trinkets.
  • Itae: Collie. Sociable and optimistic, with a work-hard-play-hard attitude.
  • Iria: Rabbit. Timid, agile, and driven by instinct.
  • Faylise: Ferret. Playful and witty, with a knack for sneaking around and stealing things.
  • Eladria: Lion. Brave and showy, but fiercely loyal.
  • Nathas: Tiger. Consummate hunter in tune with nature.
  • Leah: Dove. Gentle, devout, and loves to fly.
  • Reiya: Cow. Generous and kind, with a fondness for simple pleasures.
  • Cor Caroli: Butterfly. Sociable and gentle, and her Polari heritage ties her to the sort of delicate beauty butterflies represent.

...whew. I have a lot of these.

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