Subject: That fixes it. :)
Posted on: 2019-12-02 13:13:14 UTC

Thank you. I'm down to Queen Johanna so far, and am in awe at your research which established her existence.

The most likely places to find actual usurpation attempts, as opposed to timeline errors, are after the reigns of Queen Hedwig and King Ulric II. Hedwig was quite likely murdered, and the throne jumped back three whole generations to Herman I. Ulric II's house was spectacularly wiped out: he, his father, and both his children died in the same four-years span, and both his father's wives were murdered (one on the orders of his grandfather, the selfsame King Herman I). Frankly I find myself deeply suspicious of the entire 1430s-1450s. (Come to think of it, that's where the original Usurper Queen's line came from...!)


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