Subject: I have tweaked the timeline.
Posted on: 2020-04-17 09:01:18 UTC

I think you're right about Black Katana - she talks about emailling J&A, so we can't fix her to TOS6. She also mentions a lack of vacation, which seems like a specific TOS reference - but given that we already have a datefix for TOS5, I don't think it's going to help.

The reviews to her story do help with one thing, though: they confirm that 'Taken Far Too Literally' was not a PPC spinoff from the beginning, as Bast is still trying to get J&A to read it on 2002/02/27.

--NO WAIT, I take it all back: Katana specifically mentions 'all seven chapters so far'. Since we know the A/N was a standalone first chapter, that means she does postdate TOS6. Phew!

I think the main thing the Architeuthis data provides for TOS is that 'Intel 4 has to be after TOS15'. I've added the claim to the timeline, but, er... what's the logic behind it? I'm afraid I don't follow.
