Subject: #1
Posted on: 2020-12-07 08:50:21 UTC

I have one of those: Findulias the mini-Balrog wound up being a protagonist.

"Like I say," Mortic said, smiling pleasantly, "ignore him. Oh, yes – you also have technical issues, such as paragraphing and, notably, misspelling one character's name consistently – Findulias, didn't you notice you were on fire?"

Findulias frowned at her hands, which were, indeed, burning hot enough that she had left palm-prints in the armour. "But… I'm the Princess of Nargothrond," she said uncertainly.

"You're a mini-Balrog," Mortic said gently, "and once we get you to New Caledonia, Cass at the Adoption Centre will get you proper treatment to help you adjust."

Luthien squinted at her companion, as if trying to see through a thick mist. "You know, you do look rather… fiery," she admitted.

I saw it as basically the same as when an agent or a crash-test dummy gets drafted as a character in the fic: the badfic makes them say what it wants to. So what if it's not logical? It's a badfic!

But where it's just one instance of a misspelled name, you could just have the expected character speak, while the mini just appears. Minis are manifestations of typography, not of story logic; they don't have to link up perfectly.


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