Subject: Hmm.
Posted on: 2020-12-18 15:16:43 UTC

Well, if the main POV is one of the larger, all-caps varieties and very sparkly, maybe misspelling it downgrades it to a lowercase pov, also very sparkly? That would be your "bit of both," I think?

I'm just entranced by a couple of lines in chapter 4, though. I mean, first, ????'s P.O.V. Poor critter must be so confused! But then:

> As i looked, I saw something that cut my eye.

Oh, no. Oh, dear. Poor ???? (whose identity is totally not given away by the title of the chapter or anything).


> "Lady Ella, Lord Elrond expects your presents at once,"

Jeez! Demanding bugger, this Lord Elrond! {X D

This is a fun one. Looking forward to the mission! ^_^


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