Subject: I had one too!
Posted on: 2020-12-11 12:54:44 UTC

Cadence the mini-Discord was a recurring speaking part who snarked at the agents. Writing them was really fun!

My personal take is that it can be fun to make minis have more of a speaking part, especially when you're deep in the weeds of a really weird badfic. Technically, I think most minis are meant to go "zub zub" or "shneebs" or "what do you mean I can't dip my bacon in bouillabaisse this is workplace discrimination you'll be hearing from the union about this", but as with everything in the PPC, we'll let things slide a bit if it's well-written and funny. Canon-friendliness and good writing is better than canon-slavish-adherence and dull writing any day, and that goes for us as well. =]

Also now I wanna see a mission to a badfic involving a pov and a mini. I want that very, very much.


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