Subject: You don't tip in Japan! Tipping is not a thing in Japanese service industry!
Posted on: 2020-12-29 00:59:34 UTC

Now, I'm not knowledgeable in the Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED fandom beyond bits and pieces of info from my sister who is a fan of the series, but damn does this fic get my Japanology student instincts ticked off. In short, the whole fic is about tipping and the café one of the characters works at has a friggin' tip jar, forgetting that canon is set in Japan and the fic doesn't say otherwise. I repeat: there is no such thing as tipping in Japanese culture; in fact, tipping might be a purely American thing. Other than that, the same character writes another character's name in "capital fonts", never mind that there's no such thing as capitalization in the Japanese language. It's a culturally inaccurate mess.

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