Subject: Thanks for the feedback, Doc!
Posted on: 2021-03-01 17:11:36 UTC

I really appreciate that you take the time to read my stuff to begin with, so really, no need to apologize. :) And I'm especially happy to hear that you enjoyed this one, because aside from Whispered Tales it might be my new favorite of my own PPC writings. It was a lot of fun trying my hand at a more surreal style of comedy, and it's a relief to know that it works as I intended. Especially the whimpering rocks! And as for Danielle: I've read so much genuinely awful stuff, both published books and fics (some of which I'd intended to mission before I swore off the squick) that I tend to be more lenient with the harmless kind of bad, and this fic was genuinely entertaining, even if it was for the wrong reasons. Besides, I feel more comfortable with non-violent conclusions these days. I'll see where the writing future takes me, but I feel like this mission and the Sumie-Finn one are a step in the right direction.

Thanks for reading! ^_^

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