Subject: Second opinion here!
Posted on: 2021-07-24 04:21:18 UTC

Or maybe a first opinion, since I beta'd the story? Eh, either way.

I disagree about Moira's recruitment scene for one simple reason: contrary to what the typical Sue might think, it's not all about her. {= ) This is Agent Ekwy's story, and we're experiencing events from her perspective. We're not in Moira's head, so it wouldn't make sense for the narrative to suddenly take a deep dive into her feelings when Ekwy is busy dealing with Blank's reaction to her decision to recruit their target. Also, we shouldn't need it spelled out for us to imagine that plenty goes through Moira's head while the agents argue, and that whatever she thinks during that time leads her to go along with the plan. I would guess something along the lines of "Well, at least this doesn't involve me getting stabbed while I'm weakened from de-Orcing that Orc," and also "Ooooh, that portal is shiny..." {= )

That said, this is definitely more of a TOS-style piece, so you're not wrong that it's lighter on the character psychology than, say, one of my stories. But for my two cents, that's a good thing. We can't all be hopeless addicts to angst. ^_~
