Subject: I've been silent on this board since the beginning of this year, but I have to talk about this
Posted on: 2021-08-09 03:12:16 UTC

Favourite moments include:

  • “You kick Sizhui?” hissed Liu Siyuan. “You kick his body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for Tommy! Jail for Tommy for one thousand years!”
  • “Tell me, where is I Have Real Estate?” wondered Eledhwen in an eerie impersonation of Lady Galadriel. “For I much desire to give him a piece of my mind.”
  • Unlike in canon, the donkey and millstone were connected by a bemused-looking German Baroque composer. -【我只通报重要议题而类。 OOC就是OOC!】
  • That CAD in general

I admit, I lost interest in PPC missions a few months ago, but this might be enough to draw me back into a mission-binge. I love the writing style and the references, as well as the creativity with interpreting various typos. Agent Liu Siyuan is a character I would have had a crush on a year ago, if not for my sudden fascination with eldritch abominations.

This answers a lot of questions I had about translated fic missions too, so thanks for this gift to the world. Being able to read the snatches of Chinese also makes me feel very smug.

I wish you safe travels in your future, in the literary world or not. May inspiration always be your friend.

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