Subject: This was a fun one!
Posted on: 2021-08-09 10:10:39 UTC

I certainly had a good time reading it as I betaed, especially since I somehow did the last betaing in one 8 page and one 65 page sitting >.> I think that probably worked so well because I kept laughing. It's been good to see you and Christianne and Eledhwen pop up again, and it's interesting to see how they've grown since they were active agents--you touched on that directly in the mission, in a number of ways, which intensified that.

Anyway, you already know my thoughts overall. Just know that I laughed at a bunch more places than I mentioned in the final (proper) betaing, sometimes aloud.

Also: I'll happily take QuingheNie, if no one else has gotten there in the time it took me to write this post!


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