Subject: The typo is killing me
Posted on: 2021-08-20 12:05:01 UTC

Wow, thank you for reading it! From a fellow PPCer, that means . . . well, rather a lot, a lot. Repetition intended.

As for the typo . . . I had this proofread so many times! Well, that's how it goes, isn't it? :) It's now fixed.

Since this is a serial, expect a slow unraveling of the setting and universe. But there is more world building. Lot's more. I even already know some of it, since I have a lot more written, just not yet finalized. (Also, any chance you'd please put your review on Amazon also? Just because, you know. Authors. Desperate for reviews and Amazonian visibility.)

Honestly, I'm having fun deconstructing genre tropes, and not just of horror. It's always a, hmm, "good?" sign when the author cackles to herself while writing. My hope is that you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

(sorry for the late response! I had trouble getting account setup to work, so it ended up with one of my less-viewed email addresses)

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