Subject: Semi-topically, maybe...
Posted on: 2022-02-07 16:04:14 UTC

I was thinking about the popularity of Camilo. His limited screen time and lines combined with his shape-shifting ability make him easy to project onto, so that makes total sense to me.

Further, I got to thinking that I want to see Disney do a feature film starring a (human) boy who doesn't go on a warrior's journey. You know who's perfect for that? Camilo!

I want an Encanto sequel starring Camilo. I want to see this young man who can be anybody go on a journey to figure out who he wants to be. I want to see him try out everything possible and end up somewhere in the middle. I don't think Disney has the stones to have him decide to be a Camila in the end, but maybe, just maybe, we could end up with an openly enby character? Maybe he could at least kiss a(nother) boy even if he ends up with a girl (or nobody!) in the end? At the very least, he could become someone whose gift allows him to actually walk a mile in other people's shoes and develop the sort of deep empathy and compassion typically associated with women, or something like that, anyway. Just so long as he doesn't end up traditionally-masculine.

Maybe he helps break down the walls between the encanto and the outside world, maybe he just helps quarreling townsfolk who've been stuck with each other for fifty years to get along better, IDK.

Care would have to be taken to execute this story in a way that's respectful of the culture in which it takes place, but I think it could be done. The encanto is a matriarchy, anyway; there doesn't seem to be any stereotype machismo in the film, so that couldn't be a convenient straw "villain."

I said I want to see this in an Encanto sequel. It could also be the subject of a final exam fanfiction. Thought I'd put it out there. {= )


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