Subject: That's how I organize it, anyway.
Posted on: 2022-02-28 18:23:11 UTC

And my way is obviously the best way. ^_~ For staff members (e.g. Jenni) and kids (e.g. Henry) who don't have a spin-off as such, I just lump everything together under Appearances.

Some Action agents have combined timeline and mission sections, too, though. Trojanhorse springs to mind. I like it for not having repeated links, but I dislike it for making the spin-off index less concise, so eh.

And, well, I use agent pages to find stuff, but like you, I'm usually looking for specific information and not necessarily for casual reading material. You and I might be the odd ones out on things like this—but that doesn't mean the wiki shouldn't meet our needs, too, right? {= )


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