Subject: It's been quite a while
Posted on: 2022-03-01 05:39:19 UTC

since I've gone diving through the archives of PPC stories. I generally remember wandering through the wiki when I did, often finding authors via things like missions by continuum or even agents by continuum (my persistent like of stories from non-human perspectives was a thing even then), but I can't describe in too much detail what I did. I did often have the situation of wanting to read all/more of the stories with Agent So-and-So in them because I read one and wanted more of the same.

Sometimes, as someone mentioned below, I'll stumble into a story while looking up some PPC thing, but my pace of PPC writing is sporadic at best so ... yeah.

These days I mostly keep up with what's posted on the Board - the rate of publications is slow enough.

  • Tomash, who is down somewhat different rabbit holes than he was a decade ago

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