Subject: Another option:
Posted on: 2022-03-20 20:50:02 UTC

What if (borrowing a slightly adapted concept from DC, especially seen in Legends of Tomorrow, and building a little on your post and I think Lily's as well), each badfic is an attempted change that, given the chance, could set in and stay? And enough of them, built up, destabilize the canon? That's already a thing--agents go in to keep the canon from being damaged by setting things back to normal.

If we consider each fanfic to be kind of like either a split off timeline/neighboring alternate universe, if it's goodfic, or acting like a change to the timeline that needs time before it settles in enough to stay (at which point it has consequences)...or, I suppose, for symmetry: the goodfic splits/AUs often occupy almost the same space, and don't cause damage because they don't break the rules of the canon; meanwhile, the badfic splits/AUs do, so if enough of them build up, they can have a detrimental effect? Just a thought, but it's closest to what I always had vaguely in mind, and I think it makes enough sense of how there can be so many versions of the same events and yet they almost never collide.


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