Subject: On pairing Agents
Posted on: 2022-04-24 12:50:56 UTC

You need to remember what Agents do and how to do it. Their job is to make the reader laugh, and the way to do it is to have them contrast just enough to where they bicker hilariously, but not so much that they wouldn't realistically work together.

Examples: Jock and the nerd, rookie and the veteran, by-the-book and devil-may-care operators. The crazy one and the "sane" one.

You need to keep in mind that these should be characters more than just one trait or they'll get tired quickly.

Let's follow an example, my own Agents (who have yet to appear in a Mission yet - but I'm drafting it now so that I can post it immediately once I get permission.)

Noman is the veteran, the jock, the by-the-book one, and whether he's insane or not is a gigantic mystery. He's far more clued into the weirdness of the PPC than his partner and can roll with it easily. He tends to deliver the punchlines of jokes. He introduces Winfrey to the world.

Winfrey is the nerd, the rookie, the devil-may-care unorthodox operator, and whether she's insane or not is utterly baffling. She relentlessly attempts to systemize and understand everything as a scientist. She usually serves as punchline fodder.

Examples my style thus far are in the Hunger Games thread, where Winfrey relentlessly systemizes objects and bores everyone to tears around her (often getting interrupted for the sake of a gag), and Noman blames nebulous forces for things not going his way (oftentimes blaming it for the sake of comedy). Another example is in my Permission slip, where Noman introduces Winfrey to the PPC, and Winfrey's attempts at rationalizing it blow up in her face - sometimes literally.

Remember! They must not be too similar because if they are, their reactions to the badfic will be identical and you'll just repeat the punchline.