Subject: I've actually created the term "omniverse" in a sperate situation, but if it works here, it works.
Posted on: 2022-05-30 19:54:27 UTC

I was meaning "here, what is above multiverse?" but that works too.

The full name, I've debated between "Continuum of Plot Protectors" and "Continuum of Plot Protection" for a while now, but I think Continuum of Plot Protectors is funnier and much more likely to get confused, in-universe, with the PPC, which the CPP would not want at all, thank you very much, but it's funnier.

Anyways, as for what you've provided, I think that World One would, yes, be more logical, but also mathematical, as they tend to go hand-in-hand (heck, the idea of the CPP, if I recall correctly, was "PPC, but math, and oh! Did my math teacher mention something about math logic? They must be logical, too!"), so it's more of a mathematical and logic slant, not just logic slant. Does that make any sense?

(Also, IDK if I'm the only one who'd get confused on this (probably I am), but I intially thought the name of the show was The Doctor: Doctor Who and it took me a minute to realize that "oh! The name of the show is The Doctor!" Double points for me instantly thinking, "What if The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was more math-y and logical?" Which may have led to the half-baked idea of The Mathman's Guide to the Multiverse: Basically, if you took Hitchhiker's Guide and inserted a mathman and math and made the scale bigger. Again, half-baked.)

It being a seperate Multiverse with different canons does lead to a seperate problem with the topic of possible missions since the canons are different, but I'm pretty sure I can solve it with a seperate timeline or something. Out of all the things I thought through, seperate canons wasn't one of them? Gods, I even came up with a different backstory, with how the Flowers were taken across the Multiverse by a bunch of nulled Sues and determined that they really shouldn't kill them because when their powers are nullified, they can be really nice, but I didn't come up with "Well, how does The Hunger Games differ in this logical multiverse?"

(As for when the CPP's Spark (gods, that sounds wrong) happened, I might just write a story that takes place in 2019 just so we can have a) a published story, and b) a nice timeline.)

-kA, who really need to write down that origin story before they forget about it.