Subject: re: mission part 2 (spoilers)
Posted on: 2022-06-01 12:25:15 UTC

Oh, interesting! We don't see missions combine very often. I'm instantly suspicious of this Helena; it's not exactly common for background OCs to break out of Suefluence. I winder, if the two stories badfics described a similar character, would they both become the same character? That would make Helena more aware of the fourth wall, and explain the two fics linking with each other.

Hope no one forgets about the original Suvian still being tied up!

(edited to add this, because I forgot:)
For this one sentence: "She was instantly replied by three loud startled screams." "Replied" can't really be used this way in English. A common way to rephrase this would be, "She was instantly met with three loud startled screams." If you don't like the sound of that, you can try rephrasing the sentence a bit, something like, "As reply, she instantly received three loud, startled screams."

—doctorlit, second star to the right and straight on 'til work shift

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