Subject: Yeah, as far as I know, RPs of this general type have always been uncanon unless otherwise stated.
Posted on: 2022-06-02 05:00:47 UTC

And by "otherwise stated", I mean something along the lines of "copied into a doc and cleaned up a little, and posted with the permission of everyone involved." That or just having chunks or elements of it worked into an interlude or mission or whatever else. I did a fair amount of RPing on the PPC discord back in the day, and it was always either for fun or to develop characters (or both, really) by playing around with them or versions of them. This is why there's an orchestra of Jacqueses to begin with: I was trying to get a better handle on his character, and it turned out a, AUs were very good (and fun) for that, and b, he somehow lends himself extremely well to AUs. But absolutely none of that should be assumed to be canon unless actually stated to be, especially since so much of it is AUs. Some of them I'd be happy to have as canonical (official?) AUs! But for the most part, they currently absolutely are not.

Re: Jacques meeting his AU counterparts, this was an idea I had (and started writing) in 2020, as a silly thing to entertain us all with. I did, of course, proceed to get busy, and then very busy, so ultimately I have 3-4 docs, none of them finished, some started in 2021 and even 2022...hopefully I'll eventually be able to post some or all of them. We'll see. (Of course, the general idea that Jacques should meet his AUs predates 2020, but that was when I finally found a viable concept for how.) Currently, none of the docs include a dragon AU Jacques (I'll confess, I haven't gone far enough into this thread to actually know which one we're talking about, though I expect it's the one where The PPC is Dragons), and I'm not sure I actually plan to write one with that AU in play, but in theory, who knows. Maybe it could work as a very short piece?

~Z, hopefully actually clarifying something as opposed to just sleepily writing out information