Subject: I enjoyed both of these!
Posted on: 2022-06-21 23:55:47 UTC

Jiwon and Charlie are such a cool team. Literally. They don't really do the outright bickering with one another thing that a lot of other agent partners do; they sorta just vibe together. It gives the feeling that they're veteran agents who aren't very fazed by this badfic at all, but still react to it in funny ways.

The fic itself reminds me of <a href="">The Room_, though that might be because of the line "Oh Hey Olaf".

"I did not freeze her! It's not true! It's bull s***! I did not freeze her! I did naaaaht. Oh hai, Olaf!"

And also, it's about the same level of riveting slice-of-life as The Room, so there's that.

The interlude was short, but sweet! The pacing of the joke was excellent, so that last punchline made me laugh. Great job!