Subject: I will only support this if Bleep-Gurt comes in tubes, like Go-Gurt.
Posted on: 2022-08-11 03:13:39 UTC

For those who may be unaware, Go-Gurt is allegedly yogurt that is low in fat, packaged in tubes as a spoon-free snack for children, that was invented in the nineties. The only acceptable way to eat it is frozen, because otherwise it's an insipid flesh-pink* slime that only gets more disgusting the more you drool as the edges of the plastic tube irritate your mouth while you try to suck on it without violating any public indecency laws.

* I'm pretty sure only the strawberry and strawberry-banana flavors really exist. Canada claims to have peach, but that's even worse. I vaguely remember a blue one, but it's the sort of blue you can tell is still flesh-pink underneath.

Frankly, it's exactly the sort of thing the Inconvenience Store should sell, with or without the Bleep. {= D


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