Subject: I did a thing
Posted on: 2022-09-14 07:38:34 UTC

Oh, hello. So one of the reasons that I've been popping in and out with various levels of frequency over the last few years is that I've actually been working on another project, a series of journals from the point of view of the character I've spent the last five years playing. At some point I'll do something with them, but then, a couple of days ago, on a fairly late evening I checked in on the board after a heavy day of journaling and hit upon a curious concept. What would happen if Fogg popped into the PPC.

From the crazed half asleep brain came a ridiculous idea that will likely only amuse me, but I present to you the case of the Gratuitous Crossover

I'm not 100% certain how canon the story is, but maybe one day I'll write it up from Wallis' point of view for a little more context. For now however, I figured I'd share this fun (for me) little story.

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