"I think." Please stop calling me ma'am. - I usually answer Laurel.
The walker almost waved as he and the hobbit turned to face the hobbit.
Laurel took a calm, confident step. "Why the hll was I wearing these dmn shoes?"
Cole and Jeff share a laugh as Cole leans over and motions for Laurel to climb up. "So a pig huh? I haven't had one since I was six," she couldn't help but smile as she placed her hands on her shoulders.
Cole laughed, "Anything for a damsel in distress, lady."
Laurel whispered in his ear, "Ha ha. very funny."
The four of them followed for about an hour, then Laurel started asking for cigarettes and crap in her coat pocket, "Sh*t. They left. "I can't do it right now because of the smoke.
As the words left her lips, Merry and Pippin appeared to her left. Mary smiled, "do you smoke?"
Laurel smiled, "After a while. "Don't tell mom."
Pippin points out the subject.
Laurel dropped her mouth and turned to her right to look at Jeff, “You didn't tell me hobbits smoke! Is that why you like stories?
Jeff smiled and put it down, "Relax, relax. It's a weed pipe. It's his kind of cigarette."
Laurel and Cole look at it like it's a two-headed creature and say in unison, "Of course it is."
Strider stops in front of the Great River. Cole leads Laurel to the end and Strider leads them to the side where they are greeted by a white woman with long dark hair. Strider sighed, "Lady Arwen is waiting to come with us to Rivendell. COLE How about getting Laurel some time?
Cole nodded awkwardly, "Yeah, I'm fine."
Dagargabe patted him on the shoulder and started to cross the river behind his hobby. Laurel looked at Jeff "Who is Arwen?"
"Arwen is Elrond's daughter," Jef said, passing the cold flask of water. It's a goblin."
Laurel nodded, "Oh."
Jeff smiled, "Strider is a girl."
Confused, Laurel said, “Ah!
Jeff whispered, "Nothing." Dwarves are immortal. Join her and escape your death.
Cole jumped in the water and said, "Man, that's tough."
"Very strong," Laurel nodded.
Eventually they reached the beach where Arwen was waiting in a beautiful white dress. Her blue eyes looked at Strider, "We've been waiting for you."
Strider gently held his hand and spoke to the elves, "How are you, Frodo?"
Arwen sighed heavily but said calmly, "My father took a while. He's inside with Gandalf.
Then spat the handsome elf, "Is Gandalf in big trouble?"
Arwen agreed, "Yes, Saruman captured him and betrayed him. He will have more to say at the town hall tomorrow."
Strider looked at Rocklink, "What about the others?"
Aven looked at the three strangers and replied: "The morning will come, but I want to ask who are the guests you have brought."
Strider turns and leads the trio forward. As they approach Arwen and Strider, Cole defeats Laurel. The walker touched Jeff's shoulder. "This is Jeff, Cole, and Lady Laurel. They came from far away and got lost in Middle Earth. They came to ask your father for advice. Laurel was badly hurt."
Arwen nodded, “I'm sure my father would be happy. But tonight they would all rest comfortably in Elrond's home.
Arwen took Laurel's hand and said, "Come on girl, I'll help you get ready. The other guards take them to their rooms. "I'm sure the hobbits want to see Frodo." Laurel nodded and let the tall look for.
(This is as far as the reconstruction went.)