Subject: Thank ye, shipmate!
Posted on: 2023-09-22 13:06:06 UTC

I'm delighted that the fakeout worked on at least one person. :D

Veminta Fincaran's Quenya name is Fëamintë Fioncarnë ("Small-soul Red-hawk"), but that's not really suitable for the Third Age. Faeminth is the translation into Sindarin of the first name: fae == fea, as you say. Minte is difficult, though - the Quenya word is somewhat obscure, and doesn't have a direct Sindarin counterpart. I worked through a few similar words and settled on minth as the most likely Sindarin form. Which... I then forgot to soft mutate; she should be *Faevinth, or maybe something like *Faevinn or *Faevid. All of which suggests she translated her own name and isn't actually very good at Sindarin. ^_^

Thank you for the technical catches; I will note that TW's poem is not an error, but a way of saying that she's cramming the words together to fit the meter. ("pirateship" and "piratecove" got the same treatment, but read naturally enough that it's not obvious.)


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