Subject: so I was going to write a songfic but then this took over my brain
Posted on: 2023-09-24 04:26:44 UTC

"I'm monkey d puffy," said the boy cheerfully. "I'm going to be kind of the pirates!"

"Oh, I see!" Said ilraen. He rather liked this boy: his attitude was very good natured, and Ilraen thought they might get along well. "How will you do that?" What a strange world he was in.

"Well," said Liffy, "first we're going to find the One Piece!"

("Hang on," Dawn said. She was reading over Jenni's shoulder. "Is that what One Piece is about?"

"Mhm." Jenni scrolled down a bit further, sparing a smile and a scritch for the very pleased gold fire lizard Gwilithiel. "Pirates all the way down..."

"Cool," Dawn said, with feeling, and the two kept reading.)

"So we're going to get there, but first we need this map," Luffy said. "And we've lost it, so--"

"What's the map look like?" Asked olraen. "Maybe I can help."

("It looks like a map, probably," Dawn said. "On the plus side, this looks pretty harmless! Just a lot of minis. I don't see anything that would be upsetting for Ilraen to read yet."

"Better safe than sorry," Jenni said. Her tone warned of knowledge gained through harsh experience. "You never quite know with these. Poor Gerry once read one about himself that was fine - even funny - until he reached the last chapter..."

"Oh, poor Gerry," Dawn said, grimacing. "Okay, let's keep going. Ilraen's a sweetheart; if we're going to screen this for him, I'd feel especially bad if it turned out we missed something awful...")

[~Z has been watching the live action One Piece and mostly rather enjoying it, with zero prior knowledge apart from the title name and animation style of the original. The pirates were a surprise!]

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