Subject: Lols' genious stiry
Posted on: 2023-10-09 14:17:56 UTC

Once upon a time, there was a hight schooler by the name of Merlin. When he was in class one day, he opened his locker- only to see a magic portal! He quickly fell in, only to land on sone grey concrete. He looked down and said wow that is sonr gray concrete!

Then Majesthibgs showed up abd gave him the all new all cool ppc device-tje ultimate allinone Sue fighter@!

So merlin took the device, opened a portal, and went out to fight mary Suez!

An; Sorry its shory abd laye I had a test to study for, abd I had to go to my mom's funeral so if you flame YUO HATe hER and YUOR EVIL no im not making that up it's totalky reall byeeeeeeeeee!!!!

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