Subject: re: ch. 20: Harry Potter and the Dramatically Signed Petition
Posted on: 2023-11-09 14:59:55 UTC

Okay. Okay. I felt so very slapped in the face for a moment there, because when “Jacques” first pulled his wand on Harry, I thought Crouch Jr. had been Jacques for the entire year, and I really and truly couldn’t force my brain to accept that. It felt so wrong, not only because I was so sure Junior had been in Senior nope that phrasing is no longer okay impersonating Senior, but also because Jacques has just been so much fun all year, and also I hated the idea of one of our PPC boys being locked in a trunk all year . . . but now I just feel so dumb! Because of course Junior switched identities throughout the year. That’s actually easier than the original Junior remaining Moody all year! But yeah, thanks for that early morning crash into my senses, there!

I love Harry’s observation that the Knights view Gaunt as “some sort of Chosen One,” since it’s a turnabout from canon, where Harry is “chosen” rather literally as the “solution” to Trelawny’s prophecy. (Which I rather forgot about; did that prophecy just not occur in this timeline?) And it’s a lovely demonstration of why Chosen One plots can get kind of toxic, and assigning people a status of “most special child” can lead them to stop questioning their actions and goals in a healthy way, to say nothing of the possibility of collecting worshipful followers . . . oh, hello, parallels between Gaunt and Trump. it’s been a while!

For being such a dark chapter, I was filled with wonderful feelings when Dumbledore stood up to Fudge and put him in his place. What an absolute and fully justified power move! Fudge having the audacity to think of himself as “the very last defence you’ve got against tyranny” is so pathetic and cringey, I can’t imagine having that level of self-confidence. “Everyone in this community got a magic wand, but it’s me, the Wizarding World equivalent of a one-term U.S. president, the walking embodiment of middle management getting promoted beyond their competence level, the very goodest of boys with a title in front of my name, I’m the only hope this country has!” CRINGE. Still, going to be a hellish election next year, with potentially disastrous results. And the one in Heirs of Avalon could be bad, too! (Oh, hello, parallels!)

—doctorlit is even more concerned about Neville’s continued absence, considering Junior clearly had the Longbottoms on his mind before kidnapping Harry

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